Channel: BriansThing
Category: Music
Tags: briansthingaodyosaxafonesaxophonesaxaphonetenor saxbari saxaodyo sylphyomusic videohow to play the saxophoneelectronic wind instrument songalto saxbest saxophone playerfuturistic musicsax playerssoprano saxsheet musicsaxofonenew musicaodyo instrumentsbetter saxophone playerawesome sax musicsax solosaxophone notesaltissimosaxofone notes
Description: Here is a song called IN SPACE! with my Aodyo Slyphyo electronic wind instrument. Let me know what you think! This may be a glimpse into our not so distant future. Some really cool sounds and effects in this video! For the holidays, here is your chance to get a Sylphyo and Link bundle or a Sylphyo travel pack with Focal Alpha 65 monitor included. The promo is until the 31st of December! You’ll find all the information about the current promos in the links below: The Sylphyo is designed to reproduce the air flow of acoustic musical instruments, allowing you to achieve pianissimo or fortissimo dynamics, to play staccato or legato, and to perform many wind instrument tonguing techniques. Using its slider and its inertial sensors, you can bend notes upwards or downwards, achieve great glissandi, or completely transform the timbre of your sound over up to seven octaves. The Sylphyo turns your gestures into sounds. Once you learn how to play it, it becomes an extension of your mouth and hands, allowing you to convey emotions and intentions in a musical form, respecting most nuances you put into playing. The Sylphyo becomes wireless when paired to a LINK receiver. This means that instead of connecting the Sylphyo directly to your sound system, computer, or synthesizer, you can connect the LINK receiver instead, and use your Sylphyo freely without being bothered with cables. More than 40 different fingerings, including: Recorder, Saxophone, Clarinet (Boehm & Albert), Flute, Oboe, Trumpet (EVI), EWI, Whistle, Celtic, etc. NEW Videos Every TUESDAY - 2pm EST / 11am PST Subscribe and press (🔔 ) to keep up to date with every upload Visit for FREE Sheet Music! Let's Connect: #aodyo #sylphyo